I guess everyone begins their blog with the awkward first post that usually says something like, "Well, I have to say I have officially given in to the world of blogging!!!" So here I am posting the same; however, I do not think that I have simply "given in". I am proud to say that I have chosen on my own accord to start this blog.
There have been a string of reasons:
First, peer pressure. "Peer pressure occurs when a friend confronts another friend and tries to convince him or her to take part in illegal activities, substances, or sex." -Hardy. Now, this may seem a little dramatic to say the least, but let’s think- blogging is an activity, hence, I was peer pressured. Luckily blogging is not illegal, so I guess that makes my case null and void. At any rate, the coworker who has spoken so highly of this "blog" business is really one of my great friends. So naturally, I took her opinion into consideration. Meanwhile, all I could think was -why in the world would anyone in their right mind have a blog? I thought her and everyone else who had one of these dumb things was completely insane.
Don't take me as a blog hater. I am obviously not since I am now maintaining one. It's just that initially I thought they were a waste of time.
Another thing that swayed decision was that another coworker's daughter who lives in London (she seems to be pretty phenomenal), has a blog. I read some of her blog and was completely inspired. You know how there are some blogs you read that just seem to take you through a natural and intellectual thought process -well that is hers.
The other thing is that this gives me an easy outlet. Really you can exercise your freedom of speech without even opening your mouth. Of course, I would never take that overboard, but in some way having a blog is liberating to me.
The final thing is that I can give this link to my family who I am not physically close to and they can see what is going on in my life. The first coworker I mentioned is the one who gave me that idea. In fact, that is why she blogs -so I do not think she is insane at all! For those of you who know me, you know exactly why "The Short Report" is the name of my blog. As for the rest of you, it is because I stand at a proud 5ft even! So here we go....The Short Report.
So do I feel like a loser for blogging? No, not at all. In fact, you just read the whole thing, so.....