My little Duncan Boy
We brought him home weighing 10lbs at only 6 weeks old. Now at 3 and a half months old he is taking up the whole back seat in my small Chevy Cobalt Sedan.
He is growing just like you would expect a Great Dane to grow, which makes me very happy!
Something that is characteristic of a Great Dane is that they are leaners. They like to lean against anything, and people in particular. I like to think if he is leaning on you, it means he likes you. What I have learned from Duncan is that Great Danes are sensitive and reserved by nature and tend to get along with people and other animals really well. All you have to do is get them used to people and animals early.
Duncan takes correction well and learns very quickly. He could sit, shake, lay down, stay and roll over at 9 weeks old.
My favorite thing about Duncan is that he wants to be near you. He is a big lap dog!!
I can't help but allow this to remind me that we should not be afraid to lean on others and be close to people. For those of you who know me, you know that I can be a bit stubborn and I like to do things on my own. But I am here to tell you that will work for a while, but ultimately you will come to the end of your rope. Trust me, I am speaking from experience. I am resolving to take today to lean on others and ultimately lean on the the Lord for "His yoke is easy and his burden is light." Will you do the same?
Who knew I could learn something so important from my dog?
Omgosh, he is such a cutie!! I want some big doggie smooches!