I find myself constantly looking to learn more about how to get fit and stay fit. And not only that, but once I find cool tips and tricks all I want to do is share it with others!!
From here on out my blog will consist of "Get Fit" tips and tricks. Let's get started!!
I recently started running to get in shape! I started really slow, which was discouraging. I couldn't even run a mile without feeling like I would pass out or that my heart was going to pound out of my chest... don't judge if you are the kind of person that run a mile without breaking a sweat already, ok?!?Like I said, I was feeling really discouraged, but then after a few days of setting one goal after the other, I started seeing progress. The first step was complete a mile... running the whole time. Check!
My second goal was complete a mile in under 10 minutes. Check!
My third goal was complete a 2 miles in under 25 minutes. This one took me a while. Check!
Then yesterday I completed my fourth goal. Run for 30 minutes straight. Check! BUT... my mind was so ready for the run, and the motivation was there, but my body was not ready, which leads me to my next point... Rest!
One thing that I learned from my recent goal setting is that it's ok to rest. In fact, it's needed. I'm not necessarily saying take a whole workout day off (even though that's healthy too). What I am saying is don't get so focused on the goal that you forget to take care of your body.My next goal is to keep achieving, but to stay well in the process.
One way to do this is to switch up your workout routine. Do one day of cardio (running) then strength training, weightlifting, or yoga/stretching on alternate days. This will save you body from "over-use" injuries and it will give you a well rounded fitness plan.
Rest... is also... Sleep! If you're anything like me, you love to sleep, but not when it's actually bedtime. Sleep is so important for you though. We all need to be up and alert during the day to take care of work, family, pets, and everything else that needs our attention. But don't forget to take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep. Of course, 8 hours is ideal, but if you have new babies that is not always a realistic goal. The point is make sleep a priority!
Finally, when it comes to running, strength training, yoga, walking, or even sitting on the couch all day, we all need water. The human body is about 72% water and needs water daily to function. Water does many thing for the body. See the graphic below from Carly Alyssa Thorne-Transformations Life Coaching.For running you definitely need water to help regulate the body temperature, lubricate joints to prevent injury, decrease dehydration during intense activity, and to carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Not mention outside of running....prevention of disease. See below the picture for tips on making water drinking a fun habit.

We all need water daily, but let's face it... drinking water can be boring!!!
1. Add fruit to your water. We do cucumber and lemon in water especially in the summer. It's so easy to slice up your fruits throw them in a pitcher of water and enjoy a nice refreshing treat. I always crave flavors in my drinks and this helps me go for water instead of cokes or other sugary drinks!!
2. Set a timer or reminder on your phone to drink water. Sounds silly, but we can all use the reminder to drink water.
3. For every non-water beverage, drink at least one cup of water.
4. Drink one cup of water before you eat. This is actually healthy for the digestive system. It lubricates the esophagus and helps food go down easier and digest easier.
5. Drink a cup of water before bed.
6. Drink water so you can have you calories through actual food instead of drinking them in!!
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